Manage thoughts, emotions and behaviours in a variety of circumstances and, when appropriate, advocate effectively for self.
You can demonstrate your self-management through:
- Identifying and managing your emotions and actions
- Being adaptable, open to and ready for change
- Developing strategies to effectively manage transitions within learning, home, support communities, work and life
- Engaging in self-advocacy by understanding your own needs for accommodations and requesting them as necessary
- Anticipating and preparing for challenges and potential barriers (e.g., transportation, finances, personal or family responsibilities, health, criminal record checks)

Hai is an international student living with a local family. He is typically well prepared for things and enjoys new challenges. He knows himself well and tends not to take on more than he can handle.
Hai is planning to go away to university next fall. Although he knows that he will be okay financially as his family has been saving for years to pay for his tuition and books, Hai is a bit worried about living on his own, managing his money, cooking for himself and making new friends.
Looking ahead, Hai has asked his host parents and family back home to give him some recipes for easy meals so that he will be a little less homesick. His host family suggests that they go grocery shopping together, so that he can learn how to choose affordable fresh ingredients. Through talking with his cousin, who went away to the same university last year, Hai learns about clubs at university that can help with making new friends. Hai has also enjoyed volunteering with an after-school program; he hopes to be able to do that again in his new town and realizes that he may need to get a new criminal record check. He downloads the volunteer application form to see what else he might need to bring with him when he moves.