Are you ready for what’s next for you when it comes to school, work and life in general? What strengths do you already have? What knowledge, skills and attitudes are most important for you to develop in order to build the life you want to live?

The world is changing. So too are the competencies Atlantic Canadians need to successfully manage learning, work and transitions. This toolkit was developed to help you inventory your existing competencies and to identify areas that, with some development, could help you to thrive in the face of technological, global and regional changes.

You have unique gifts – knowledge, skills and attitudes that make you uniquely who you are. As an Atlantic Canadian you have something important to offer your community and your world. We hope that this toolkit helps you to know your own leading edge, build key competencies and be ready to create your preferred future.


The career development competencies introduced in this toolkit can and will be developed as you progress in work, life and learning.

This framework includes competencies (what you know, can do and show others) that help you to navigate and propel learning, work and transitions across the lifespan. Together, these competencies contribute to your lifelong career development –your capacity to know yourself, be aware of educational and labour market opportunities, make informed decisions, access and maintain work, balance life roles and, with resilience, manage transitions and unexpected events. Although these are all individual competencies, recognize that they are developed and nurtured in context, through partnerships with educators, employers, parents and community members.

The framework is clustered into three categories: thinking, connecting and managing.


High School Students
Post-secondary Students
Workers and Work Seekers



Pre-recorded webinars to implement the toolkits

K-12 Educators
Support to post-secondary education students
Support top workers and work seekers
Companion Guide for Families
Companion Guide for Educators
Companion Guide for Employers

The Council of Atlantic Ministers of Education and Training (CAMET) contracted with the Canadian Career Development Foundation to develop a framework containing competencies to help Atlantic Canadians to navigate and propel learning, work and transitions throughout their lives.

In creating this toolkit, we wanted to be sure that it reflects the rich diversity of people living in Atlantic Canada and the realities of our region. With this in mind, we met with and integrated the perspectives of many people across the Atlantic Provinces, including youth and young adults, employers, educators and counsellors in high school and post-secondary settings, youth service providers and provincial government representatives. We especially wanted to hear and include the perspectives of those from Indigenous communities, LGBTQ+, immigrants, newcomers and refugees, Black Nova Scotians, persons with a disability and those living in poverty. Throughout the toolkit, testimonials have been developed based on those consultations and incorporate the preferred pronouns he, she and they to reflect the diversity of Atlantic Canadians.

We want to thank all who so actively shaped and contributed significantly to this framework, toolkit and the accompanying guides for families, educators and employers.