Integrate and apply technologies to work with others, communicate, learn and solve problems; manage social media presence responsibly and safely.
You can demonstrate your technological fluency through:
- Using technology in a respectful, legal, safe and ethical way
- Accessing and critically evaluating online information and resources
- Managing social media presence responsibly and safely
- Creating a positive digital footprint, recognizing the permanence of online data
- Recognizing the benefits, limitations and challenges of using technologies

While she was still in university, Brooke and three of her classmates formed a start-up company, providing tech support to help researchers, government policy makers and corporate decision makers to discern and interpret significant trends. However, as the company grew, Brooke, as one of the founders, spent more and more time with administrative responsibilities and rarely got to do the actual tech work that she enjoyed. Although the money she earned was far more than she’d ever imagined, Brooke is finding it harder to get to work in the mornings and, in a meeting last week, realized that she hadn’t heard even half of what had been said. She realizes that she’s falling behind as technology is ever-changing and she’s been too focused on managing her company to keep up. She decides to hire an administrator to take care of the day-to-day operations so that she can get back into research and working with some of the emerging technologies. She reaches out to colleagues internationally and begins to shape a new project for them to work on together.