Demonstrate the ability to be an independent learner, engaging in formal and informal learning to effectively navigate changes and transitions.
You can demonstrate your lifelong learning through:
- Approaching every experience as a learning opportunity
- Continuing to learn throughout your life
- Learning from diverse people and developing cross-cultural and cross-generational understanding
- Being open to feedback and seeing mistakes as opportunities for learning
- Using effective strategies to support lifelong learning

Brandon, an environmental studies professor, is excited to share his love of learning with his students. He has three of them presenting posters at this year’s Science Atlantic Environment conference. He is particularly pleased that one of those posters is focused on “two-eyed seeing” – a term introduced by a Mi’kmaq Elder to describe how to integrate Indigenous and Western world views and ways of knowing. Brandon has integrated this approach into all of his courses but this was the first time that one of his students from the Mi’kmaq community has used the model in her research. Even more exciting, this student was inspired to join his program through the Thinking Green online tool, a review of environmental programs and professions that Brandon had profiled at her school’s career fair.