Establish, maintain and call upon healthy supportive relationships as needed.
You can demonstrate your social support through:
- Establishing, maintaining and nurturing a supportive network of healthy relationships
- Seeking support from others (e.g., friends, family, Elders, teachers, role models, mentors, coaches)
- Supporting others’ learning by being a positive and encouraging role model, mentor, coach or tutor
- Identifying and seeking appropriate support to address harassment, bullying and mistreatment in all its forms
- Taking appropriate steps to support others who are struggling with physical, emotional, mental, environmental, social and/or spiritual challenges

Dylan feels good about himself when he is able to help others. A few years after graduating from high school, he is now close to completing certification as an Automotive Service Technician. He coaches a soccer team and also helps out at the local ice rink in exchange for reduced fees for hockey.
Dylan knows that he can be overly influenced by his friends; there was a time in high school when he got into a pattern of staying up all night playing video games and came close to failing some courses. Then, soon after he began his apprenticeship, he started drinking too much after work and almost got fired. Through these experiences, he’s learned that he needs to be careful about the friends he chooses and he’s in a good place right now with healthy relationships.
One of the new apprentices at work is a bully. Although the bullying isn’t directed at Dylan, it makes him uncomfortable. Dylan has reached out to the high school student who seems to be the latest target and, whenever possible, ensures that they are partnered to work together. He tries to be a good role model, but the new apprentice doesn’t seem to care that his comments are hurtful. Dylan has asked his supervisor if they can go out together for coffee; he knows his supervisor has witnessed the bullying so he hopes that they can come up with a plan to make their workplace safe again for everyone.